According to NASA the Apollo program was made possible by the early decision to include outside researchers. Like Apollo, the scale of the climate change problem - of reversing CO2 trends - is enormous and also like Apollo, the timeline is short.
What we do
Carbon280 partners with leading resource companies and governments to identify and select Carbon Capture and Manufacture solutions which are both technically feasible and commercially viable.
The Carbon280 team, along with our research partners such as globally recognised CSIRO, have an unparalleled depth of innovation, commercial, technology and resources industry experience. Together, we bring extensive knowledge of cutting-edge solutions that are available today as well as those still in development.
These solutions will involve multiple strategies and vary by sector, region and industry. They will include existing CCM technologies from organisations such as Carbon Engineering, Climeworks, Greyrock, Global Thermostat, and emerging technologies from research giants such as CSIRO and the European Union Flagship Project.
The 2019 International Energy Agency "Transforming Industry through CCUS" report suggests that CCM hubs will form circular economies involving integrated sets of technologies, where the waste output for one becomes the feed for another. There are many moving parts and determining the appropriate CCM strategy to implement for any one project, location or industry is critical.
Our team of scientists, technologists and entrepreneurs at Carbon280 are uniquely positioned to identify truly innovative CCM opportunities which can deliver the best return on investment for your organisation and the best outcome for the planet.